Jason : Women the "otherside"

Well speaking from the otherside of things and being in a relationship, the challange in any relationship is compromise (this is also why mickey is part fof TLB.. =P) and with anyone u find good and bad and when there is balance is when you have a keeper.
I have been in my relationship quite sometime, some of it long distance some of it not and both are hard. The second key to it all is communication and if there is none its not going to work. And the first step to good comunication is being able to listen, even if it something you dont want to hear, letting someone else voice their opinion, and being able to accept the fact that u can agree to disagree....so mickey...find that one and your set...whatever color u want....
so somtimes mickey you can hear a tree fall in the forest even if no one is there, u just have to listen, that is the first step....
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